In Cherkasy, Okhmatdyt doctors examined about 300 children of deceased Ukrainians

26 june 2024,

A mobile team of doctors from the Okhmatdyt National Children’s Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine arrived in Cherkasy for the first time. Doctors examined vulnerable children and children whose parents died in a full-scale war. The Health Bank project is implemented by the team of Okhmatdyt doctors, financed by one of the MHP family of brands, Super Fileo, and in partnership with the MHP-Gromadi and Children of Heroes Charitable Foundations. Within the project, children received medical advice from 15 highly qualified healthcare professionals, namely: an ophthalmologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an orthopedist, etc.

According to Oleksandr Pakholiuk, Director of the MHP-Gromadi Charitable Foundation, the health of community residents is one of the Foundation’s areas of activity, so it is important not just to support initiatives, but to look for partners and additional opportunities, to join efforts, as the main objective is to help grow a healthy nation that will build the future of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Pakholiuk: “Since the communities of our charitable foundation’s presence are mainly small towns and villages, the accessibility of medical services to residents is a difficult issue. This is especially true for specialty physicians. Unfortunately, we cannot take every mother or father with a child to a doctor, however, we can take doctors to small patients. This will allow any person needing them most to receive high-quality medical services.” 

One such partner in Cherkasy was LLC NPF Urozhay, which ensured transportation and entertainment for children.

Oleksandr Voskoboynik, Director of LLC NPF Urozhay: “The future of our country is today’s young Ukrainians. Therefore, my team and I became actively engaged in this project. I made every effort to ensure that as many children as possible from the communities of MHP-Urozhay presence visited doctors. Priority is given to children of military personnel and those who need examination urgently. We arranged a transfer to Cherkasy. We also organized bouncy houses and slides, cotton candies. The examination was held in the Sosnovy Bir sanatorium. We chose this facility because it has a large, beautiful territory where children could have fun with animators before or after their visit to a doctor.”

Olha Medvedieva, head of the pediatric department, Okhmatdyt National Children’s Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: “When the war started and we first visited remote regions to examine children, we did not realize the health issues small patients would have to face or the pathologies that would develop given the circumstances at that time. We studied the international experience and learned that none had a similar practice of mobile teams of doctors equal to an out-patient clinic staff. Meanwhile, we realized that living conditions change, chronic psychological stress, and displacement of a large number of people caused an increase in the endocrine, gastrointestinal tract, allergic, and hematopoietic pathologies. Therefore, our team includes doctors of almost all specialties. This visit to Cherkasy was the 114th.” 

Lidia Semeniuk from Cherkasy, the wife of a fallen military serviceman, seized the opportunity. She is the mother of a girl and a boy aged 5 and 7, respectively. She came with her children for an examination, as she believes that health issues have worsened since the war started. She said that stress resulted in children getting sick more often, and with two children, she had to wait twice as long in queues at the out-patient clinics.

Lidia Semeniuk: “For children, visits to doctors are always exhausting and stressful, so today I am happy that my children are not even nervous but have fun and enjoy bright colors and this little holiday around them. It’s a relief for me, as I also don’t feel any tension.”  

Animated heroes and face painting from the Super Fileo brand added fun to the entertainment program for boys and girls. Children took photos with a life-size chicken puppet, tasted gingerbread, and drew their favorite characters.

“Children are our future, and they all deserve a healthy and happy life. By providing healthcare services to children, we invest in the future of our country,” says Olena Haidak, head of the Super Fileo development group, MHP.

Yana Vorobei, a leading expert on working with families affected by military aggression of the Children of Heroes Charity Fund: “The more partners unite to help parents and children of our heroes, the more significant our support becomes. As of today, our organization supports about 10,000 children throughout Ukraine, and this number is growing.”

Oleh Kramar, one of the winners of the “Do Your Business” business ideas competition, joined the Health Bank in Cherkasy. He supplied paper cups manufactured on his equipment for parents and children to drink water comfortably.