Директор “МХП-Громаді” Олександр Пахолюк в ефірі Країна ФМ розповів про допомогу громадам у збереженні культурних цінностей

Проєкти благодійного фонду “МХП – Громаді” та міжнародної компанії МХП здобули перемогу в Національному конкурсі “Благодійна Україна-2023”. Загалом на конкурс подали понад 1600 заявок з усієї України. Усього номінацій було 26. У двох з них перемогу отримав проєкт з відновлення 5 музеїв, який торік реалізував благодійний фонд “МХП – Громаді” (номінація “Доброчинність у культурі та […]

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LIGA.net special coverage about the “Time to Act, Unstoppable” project

Since the beginning of 2024, 20 adaptive clubs have been opened throughout Ukraine. They are designed for people with disabilities, including veterans, to engage in sports and get advice from coaches. The “Time to Act, Unstoppable” project was launched in Ukraine to promote activities aimed at taking care of veterans and creating the best conditions […]

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Suspilne about the restoration of the 100-year-old windmill at the Open Air Museum

A unique 100-year-old windmill, which was delivered to the capital from the Kherson region more than 50 years ago, was opened to the public at the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, Kyiv. Sponsors’ support allowed the restoration of the ancient facility. The wooden windmill was delivered to the Open-Air Museum in […]

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Channel 24 about the TIME TO ACT.UA National Identity Forum

On May 17, the TIME TO ACT.UA National Identity Business Forum was held in Kyiv. More than 300 small entrepreneurs, representatives of large businesses, and members of communities visited the event and shared their experiences. It was organized by the MHP International Company and the MHP-Gromadi Charitable Foundation. The forum allowed both participants and speakers […]

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The restoration of an ancient windmill delivered to Pyrohiv from the Kherson region is at its final stages: a new video

The ancient windmill from the Kherson region, which was delivered to the Pyrohiv National Museum of Folk Architecture and Folkways of Ukraine from the village of Oleksandrivka in the front line, is being restored. The windmill is more than 100 years old. It is estimated that it was built at the end of the 19th […]

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