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Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board
In November 2022, “MHP – Gromadi” Foundation established a Supervisory Board (Board) as its highest decision-making body to ensure the fulfillment of the Foundation’s mission and goals. The Board is headed by Yurii Melnyk, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board of MHP, and four members:
– Ada Rogovtseva – People’s Artist of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine;
– Alex Lissitsa – member of the Board of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, CEO of IMC agricultural company;
– Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, Chairman of Global 100% RE Ukraine, expert in energy, green energy, and decarbonization;
– Natalia Klymova, a key expert in organizing the development of ISAR Ednannia.
The Supervisory Board controls and oversees the organization, ensuring good governance in accordance with the legislation and legal acts of the Fund, and is responsible for ensuring the proper organization of accounting and financial scrutiny. The Director of the Fund, Tatiana Volochai, appointed by the Board, is responsible for the overall management, day-to-day administration, fulfillment of the mission and implementation of the Fund’s strategy.

Melnyk Yurii
Chairman of the Board

Rogovtseva Ada
Member of the Supervisory Board

Lissitsa Alex
Member of the Supervisory Board

Klymova Natalia
Member of the Supervisory Board

Dombrovskyi Oleksandr
Member of the Supervisory Board