Дякуємо, ваша заявка прийнята!
Очікуйте інформацію електронною поштою або телефоном.

Deadline for applications:
Competition budget:
UAH 2,5 million
Grant amount:
Up to UAH 250,000
Geography of the competition:
10 oblasts of Ukraine
The purpose of the competition
The main goal of the competition «VICTORY GARDENS»: implementation of ideas on the development of agriculture and self-sufficiency in food products. The competition is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine with the aim of increasing the food security of communities, improving the development of growing, processing, storage of grown agricultural products and increasing employment.
Participants from 10 regions can apply for the competition: Sumy, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Poltava, Lviv, Cherkasy and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
Geography – 10 oblasts of Ukraine (Sumy, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Poltava, Lviv, Cherkasy and Dnipropetrovsk)
Conditions of participation:
Representative bodies of local self-government located in the territories of the specified regions can participate in the сompetition.
Applicants cannot be representative bodies of local government that are under temporary occupation, encirclement (blockade).
Applicants can submit only one Grant application to the сompetition.
Applicants assume all risks of responsibility and consequences associated with the possibility/impossibility of participating in the competition.
Development of population employment in agriculture.
Development of growing, processing, procurement and storage of grown agricultural products in territorial communities.
Strengthening the capacity and expertise of agricultural producers.
Increasing the efficiency of growing, processing and storing food products, including through the introduction of energy-saving technologies and equipment.
Stimulating the release of local agricultural products to the markets.
Stimulation of the association of small producers to increase the efficiency of production, processing and sale of agricultural products.
Local self-government bodies working independently or in cooperation with:
– other communities; – communal institutions and NGOs; – small and medium farmers, cooperatives; – associations of producers of agricultural products.
Package of documents:
1. The grant application in the form according to Appendix 1 of the REGULATIONS on conducting the "Gardens for Victory" grant competition is submitted in .doc or .docx format. 2. A scanned copy of the title page of the project according to the form in accordance with Appendix 2 of the REGULATION on conducting the "Gardens for Victory" grant competition. 3. A scanned copy of the Project budget according to the form in Appendix B. 4. Scanned copies of extracts from the applicant's and all partners' UDR.