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«Do Your Business»
Deadline for applications:
Competition budget:
UAH 5 million
Grant amount:
up to 100 00 UAH
Geography of the competition:
11 oblasts of Ukraine
The purpose of the competition
«Do your business» – a competition of business ideas aimed at supporting micro-entrepreneurship in villages and small towns to strengthen the economic front of our Ukraine.
The purpose of «Do Your Business» competition is to create conditions for the sustainable development of entrepreneurship, including as a response to the negative economic consequences of the war, in cities and villages in the territory of Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Chernihiv, Sumy and Volyn regions by providing micro-grants.
We have two options for registered participants: training and financial support. Participants will also be given access to expert videos on small business development. This will provide an opportunity for applicants to “refresh ” their business plan writing skills and receive helpful guidance on a range of relevant topics and skills including revenue, expense planning, business intelligence and SMM.
Geography – 11 oblasts of Ukraine (Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Volyn, Chernihiv, Ternopil)
Conditions of participation:
The following can participate in the competition:
- persons – citizens of Ukraine, planning to start their own business; - persons-entrepreneurs, private enterprises that have been operating for no more than 4 years as of the date of the announcement of the start of the competitive selection and want to expand and/or relocate and qualitatively improve their business activities
Participation in the «Do your business» competition is free.
Co-financing of the business idea by the participants of the «Do your business» competition is not mandatory.
For whom:
If you have a business idea and need financing.
If you have your own business in a village or small town.
If you have evacuated and plan to temporarily stay in a new place.
If you have lost your home due to the war and are looking for a place to live permanently.
If you have returned from the war and are ready to work.
If your family has members of the military who fight at the front.
Contest participants:
- persons – citizens of Ukraine, planning to start their own business;
- persons-entrepreneurs, private enterprises that have been operating for no more than 4 years as of the date of the announcement of the start of the competitive selection and want to expand and/or relocate and qualitatively improve their business activities.
Package of documents:
1. Application (registration) for participation in the «Do your business» Competition (on the website https://doyourbusiness.com.ua/form). 2. A business idea of no more than 3 pages of printed text.