10 september 2022,

MHP-Gromadi have signed a memorandum of partnership and cooperation with Iryna Yurchak, the head of the Polish foundation “Bridge of Help”. We are immensely grateful to the Foundation for all the assistance they have provided to us during our visits to Poland. We are ready to strengthen each other through our mission to overcome the terrible consequences of this war and push our country closer to Victory.

Our agreement means we can work closer together to assist the large number of Ukrainians who have been affected by the war.  We hope that we still have many important and valuable projects still ahead of us which we will fulfill with the support of our Polish friends. The Memorandum confirms the agreement on the multidirectional activities of the two parties, which include the organisation of joint events and projects alongside the exchange of information. The main mission of the Memorandum is to consolidate our efforts to overcome the consequences of Russian aggression and protect the rights and freedoms of the people of Ukraine.